این بار بکگراند برای کامپیوتر های دسکتاپ هست.
فقط روی تصویر راست-کلیک کنین و روی "save image as ..." کلیک کنید. بعد محلی که میخواین تصویر رو ذخیره کنین انتخاب کنین.
***توجه : اندازه تصاویر 1080x1920 هست***
Since I know how to use Adobe Photoshop and Corel Draw (A little bit) I'll put some of my artwork and design too. hope you enjoy it. don't forget to comment and help me make my work better. Thanks :D
Just right-click on the picture and click "save image as ..." and choose where you want to save the picture and you'll have it where you want. :D
***Attention : Pictures' Resolution is 1920 x 1080 Pixels***
